About Us

The Formation of the Model T Ford Club of South Africa
Chapter 1

In 2008 I was invited by Phillip Kuschke, one of a handful of passionate Model T Ford Enthusiasts in South Africa to participate in the Centenary Rally celebrating 100 years of the 20th Century car of the Decade, the Model T Ford. At that point in time, I had owned my Model T Ford Speedster for sixteen years and in that period had only encountered a few Model T’s at the car shows and events that I had attended.


What a wonderful surprise to find that there were Model T’s from all corners of the country ranging from (DATE) to (DATE), that had converged on George for the centenary celebration. We were soon mingling and meeting all the people that we had not met before and talking to people whom we had only communicated with on the phone or by email.


As this is not an article on the 2008 event, as that can be read in articles written by people far more knowledgeable on the event than myself, however just to say that we met a whole new group of friends (who have remained friends for the last nine years). Thanks, however to Phillip Kuschke, the Southern Cape Old Car Club and the sponsors of the 2008 centenary run, for the tour and the planting of a seed.


Driving home to Gauteng after the event I thought to myself that it would be a tragedy if the group of people that we had just met, never get together again, this sparked the idea of forming a club for just Model T Ford’sin South Africa.


How to form a club where the members were spread all around this vast country of ours was difficult to visualise and I eventually decided that the Model T Ford owners would have to decide as a group how they would like this club to develop and how they would be part of club with a group of friends that owned these wonderful cars.


I obtained from Phillip Kuschke the names of all the people that he had approached to be part of the 2008 tour which he duly sent me and whilst I was in the middle of compiling a register of Model T Ford Owners, South Africa along with the rest of the world was struck by the global financial crisis, and by November of the same year the project that I had been assigned to in my company was shelved. This forced me out of the country and into work in South America from 2009 to 2014, which put my plans to establish the Model T Ford Club on hold.


I was fortunate enough to be able to retire early, and in 2014 I returned home to start enjoying my retirement and to get heavily invested in all my projects that had been hidden away during my sojourn in South America. It was not long before many of the Model T Ford owners, old and some new ones were in contact with me looking to buy Model T Ford Spares (which thankfully I had bought in 2002 so as to prevent the previous owner from shipping them overseas). At this point I decided to create a WhatsApp group for everyone that I knew that had an interest in Model T Fords and added everyone that I knew on to the group. At the same time I heard from my very good friend Emil Kuschke that his brother Phillip was attempting to create a Model T Ford Register. After many cups of coffee, telephone calls and emails, Phillip, Emil and I decided to resurrect the concept of having a Marque Club for Model T’s in South Africa and decided to form the Model T Ford Club of South Africa ‘MTFSCA’. We prepared a prospect


us and started getting this document out to as many Model T Ford owners as possible.


By Some good fortune Model T Ford owners were invited by Mike Liesegang the chairman of the Model A Ford Club of South Africa to a Ford sponsored day to be held at the VVC on the (DATE). We quickly sought permission from Mike and the Chairman of the VVC to use this auspicious occasion to launch the Model T Ford Club of South Africa. This permission was kindly granted and an emotional inaugural meeting was held. Minutes of this meeting are available elsewhere on this website.


Importantly at that point in time the members present decided that as  club we would not be prescriptive as to how the club would operate and allow the club members to steer the club in the direction that they would be part of. So I guess that this is the first chapter of what I hope will be a long association with people who love the Model T Ford and that it will be, as one of the members eloquently described it as a ‘club for cars and not just another club for people’.


Hugh Clare-Talbot


Interim President


February 2017

The Formation of the Model T Ford Club of South Africa
Hoofstuk 2

(click here to download English)

Click for translation

Tydens die stigtingsvergadering gehou op 5 November 2016, woon die volgende persone die vergadering by:  Hugh Clare-Talbot, Philip Kuschke, Kevin Casey, Emil en Hannetjie Kuschke, Ali van Jaarsveld, Arthur en Elize Duvenage, Paul Mouton, Taco Kamstra, Paul Hoogendoorn, Siggi Duvel, Jonathan Tacon, Paul Koski en Tazz Premrajh.

Bo: Sommige van die lede tydens die stigtingsvergadering

Gedurende 2017 tree Hugh Clare-Talbot op as die Interim President en Emil Kuschke as die sekretaris. Emil en Hugh stel die grondwet van ons klub op, wat tydens die eerste Algemene Jaarvergadering goedgekeur is.  ‘n Klub kan darem nie sonder ‘n klubwapen wees nie en hierdie twee manne ontwerp vir ons die klubwapen.
Op 10 Februarie 2018, tydens die George Oumotorskou, vind die eerste Algemene Jaarvergadering van die klub plaas.  Die klub-ledetal het mooi gegroei oor die jare en 23 klublede woon die Algemene Jaarvergadering by.  (Sien die bywoningsregister aangeheg.)
Tydens hierdie vergadering word die eerste verkose komitee en streeksverteenwoordigers deur die vergadering verkies. (Sien uittreksel uit notule.)
• Election of Committee 
  President National – Philip Kuschke
  Secretary National – Emil Kuschke
  Treasurer National – Paul Hoogendoorn
  Website Editor National – Thasvir Premrajh
• Election of Area  Champions of the above 
  Gauteng – Emil Kuschke
  Western Cape – Tim Riddel
  Southern Cape – Phillip Rosser
  Eastern Cape – Paul Hoogendoorn
  Natal (Piet Retief) – Kobus Botha
  Free State    – Kevin Casey
Stadig maar baie seker is die klub besig om momentum op te bou. 
Vanaf 5 tot 9 Februarie 2018 reël die Model T Fordklub hul eerste toer in samewerking met die Suid-Kaap Oumotorklub in George. Die reëlingskomitee bestaande uit Philip Kuschke, Emil Kuschke, Phillip Rosser, Mike Alexander en Danie Schmidt kry dit reg om 45 inskrywings te verseker van regoor Suid-Afrika, wat aan die toer deelneem.  Die klub was baie bevoorreg om ‘n hele paar borge vir die toer te werf. 
Die hoofborg van die 2018 Ford Veteraan en Noagtoer was Veedol Motor-olie in samewerking met die Samuels Diensgroep. Interessant dat Veedol die motor-olie was wat die Ford Motormaatskappy vanaf 1914 in al die Model T Fords gebruik het.
Bo: Deelnemers aan die 2018 Ford Toer vir Veteran- en Noagmotors

Vroeg in 2020 tref die nare COVID-19 pandemie die wêreld!  Alles kom byna tot stilstand;  baie klubs gaan deur ‘n moeilike tyd in hul geskiedenis, maar die Model T Ford Klub van Suid-Afrika kom toe eers uit die blokke.  Wonderlik watter positiewe uitwerking die inperkings op ons klub gehad het! Gedurende hierdie tyd besef die komitee dat hulle gereeld via die ZOOM-platform komitee vergaderings kan hou.  Kort na die eerste inperkings in April 2020 verskyn die klub se eerste nuusbrief, die T -Tyd / T -Time.  Die komitee het lede versoek om hul voorstel vir ‘n naam vir die nuusbrief aan die komitee te stuur. Baie lede het met voorstelle vorendag gekom. Paul Hoogendoorn se voorstel, T -Tyd / T -Time, is na wye konsultering met die lede, aangewys as die beste voorstel.  Siedaar ons nuusbrief het ‘n naam!  Phillip Rosser is genader om op te tree as redakteur van die tydskrif en teen die einde van April 2020 verskyn die eerste uitgawe.  Waarlik ‘n publikasie waarop ons baie trots kan voel – met dank aan Phillip Rosser.  Hierdie tydskrif verkyn vier keer per jaar.

Die 2020 SAVVA Veteraantoer word vir ‘n tweede keer afgestel. Die beplanning van die MTFKSA was om tydens die nasionale toer sy Algemene Jaarvergadering te hou. Aangesien die toer gekanselleer is, besluit die komitee om ‘n eerste AJV via Zoom te reël. 
‘n Baie suksesvolle Algemene Jaarvergadering vind plaas op 26 September 2020.  Die komitee vir die volgende twee jaar is soos volg:  (Aanhaling uit notule.)
• Election of Committee
  President National – Emil Kuschke
  Secretary National – Philip Kuschke
  Treasurer National – Paul Hoogendoorn
  Website Editor National – Tim Riddell
• Election of Area Champions 
  Gauteng: – Emil Kuschke
  Western Cape: – Tim Riddell
  Southern Cape: – Phillip Rosser
  Eastern Cape: – Paul Hoogendoorn
  Natal: – Kobus Botha
  Free State: – Kevin Casey
Die komitee van die MTFKSA keur goed dat Emil en Philip Kuschke ‘n klubkalender saamstel. Die eerste klubkalender word in 2021 gepubliseer. In 2022 verskyn die tweede klubkalender. Hierdie inisiatief was ‘n reuse sukses die afgelope twee jaar en genoeg fondse is so ingesamel om aan elke lid ‘n gratis almanak te kon gee.
Op 17 Maart 2021 bereik ons klub weer eens ‘n mylpaal.  Vir die eerste keer word ‘n tegniese aand via Zoom aangebied.  Phillip Rosser het die eerste tegniese aand aangebied waar hy die restourasie van sy 1927 Model T Ford bakkie aan die klublede voorgehou het. Dié aande blyk baie suksesvol te wees, te oordeel aan die baie goeie bywoningsyfer wat gereeld aangeteken word. Die tegniese aande vind elke derde Woensdag van die maand plaas. Kobus Botha tree tans op as die koördineerder van die tegniese aande en hy verseker die gladde verloop van sake tydens die besprekings.  Dit is ‘n baie goeie platform waar die lede mekaar kan leer ken en hul kundigheid met mekaar kan deel.  Baie dankie aan Kobus vir sy reuse aandeel om die sukes van hierdie aande te verseker.  
Lank lewe die Model T Ford Klub van Suid-Afrika! 
Philip Kuschke 
16 Desember 2021

To download a copy of our constitution, Click on the image below

We’re a highly collaborative and supportive club, coming together for outings, events, technical sharing and mechanical assistance.

“I was lucky to be introduced to a Model T Ford by a friend living nearby. The car fascinated me so much that I wanted one of my own. With his help I was able to get on my way to owning a Model T Ford. I joined Model T Ford Club of South Africa at the inception of the club. Through the club I got to know many more Model T Ford owners all over the country and was able to interact with them. The club has a great camaraderie and with the regular virtual meetings and the club's newsletter we are able to share knowledge and information about keeping our Model T Fords on the roads. ”

Phillip Rosser